My Books

The following are blurbs for each of my books, including three anthologies where I contributed chapters.
Navajo Stars Navajo Stars
This is my first book in a new urban fantasy series. The easiest way to think of it is Tony Hillerman meets Jim Butcher.

21 year-old Ash just wants a normal life. Unfortunately, the Navajo Monsters of legend have other ideas. They’ve chosen this week for their final push to destroy the world. For a guy who works in a psychic shop, you’d think he’d have seen this coming. Too bad modern weapons are no match for the nearly indestructible creatures. The only thing that can stop them is what saved the Navajo before—the magic passed down through an ancient bloodline. To his horror, Ash might be the world’s only hope. The celestial clock is ticking with the moon counting down. To save all he loves, Ash must confront his past and embrace everything he rejected, including his heritage and gift for magic. But it might cost him his life.

- On the market for mainstream publication
Mind-Matter Interaction Mind-Matter Interaction: A Review of Historical Reports, Theory and Research
This is the updated, expanded and revised version of my earlier book, The PK Zone. A number of things have changed since I wrote its predecessor. The writing is more casual and my understanding of the phenomena has sharpened. This book also includes seven years worth of more research, allowing me to expand sections and add new topics.

The book is divided into three sections. Part I explores stories of miraculous events from around the world from since ancient times. Part II focuses on over a hundred twenty-five years of experimental research, including everything from spontaneous case collections, to archival data, field investigations, and double-blind controlled studies. It also considers what what science has taught us about these phenomena, and discusses the training techniques, models, and theories that have emerged from this wealth of information. The book ends with what the experience of performing MMI is like for those who do it and what inhibits/facilitates performance.

This book is a bit of a monster. I recommend that people read what interests them piecemeal unless they are having out-of-control PK experiences. In that case, soldier on from cover to cover. That way it will make it clear just how NORMAL this stuff is, while helping you to understand it and (hopefully) gain some control over the phenomena. A detailed index is included at the end of the book.

- Available from McFarland or any book seller
Handbook to the Afterlife Handbook to the Afterlife
This is my favorite book, and the most readable of them. It grew out of the realization that there was a lot of great information in Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife? that people were unwilling to read because of the focus on suicide. We therefore went back to the original material, took out the bulk of information about suicide, and then added other material to focus on the stages of the afterlife, as an extension of traditional lifespan development.

This book is unique because it's less concerned with proof or specific descriptions of types of self- or other-generated environments in the afterlife as it is on the what the spirits are need to accomplish during each stages of the afterlife, where problems can arise, and how those in spirit try to help the newly dead. In addition, we consider how spirits haunting locations can be moved on, and ways in which everyone (whether or not you consider yourself to be psychic) can try to make contact with the dead.

- Available from North Atlantic Books or any book seller
Suicide Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife?
Many years ago, my co-author and the world's greatest expert on channeled material, Jon Klimo, was asked to put together the channeled messages of spirits who died by suicide. He gathered about 20 pages of such messages--all of which pretty much said it had been a really bad idea. The body dies but consciousness does not, and your psychological pain and baggage is the one thing you take with you to the other side. Their messages are generally full of regrets, if not for what they did, then for how their actions had affected others. I heard this story years later as a graduate student sitting in Dr. Klimo's office (he was my faculty advisor). As a doctor, I'm a big believer in informed consent! I couldn't help thinking that knowing what the channeled messages said could help people to make wiser choices. And so we reviewed around 400-500 books and journals, most of them published in the last 120 years, although there some far older sources, such as the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Their messages were compiled and organized, looking for trends and cultural bias. Where possible, it was also cross-corroborated with non-channeled material, such as near death experiences, reincarnation research statistics, past life hypnotherapy regression, and other sources. Finally, where there was not enough material in the written channeled literature, we also attempted to interview spirit guides and terrorists that had died through suicide attacks through mediums (who channeled those beings). We did not channel the material ourselves, although I will admit that in a few cases I was very aware of the spirit that was being channeled by someone else.

The end result considers three types of suicide: traditional suicide, suicide-murder, and assisted suicide. Somewhat to my own surprise, we found that the terminally ill who shortened their suffering through assisted suicide appeared to have very different experiences from other types of suicide, reporting smoother transitions and fewer regrets. However, let me add that even in these cases, the spirit realm suggests that such a decision be considered very carefully before being acted upon, because there may be some purpose to what is being experienced towards the end of life.

Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife? is meant as resource for the family, friends, and survivors of suicide, as well as for psychologists and psychiatrists to use as bibliotherapy for suicidal clients. I would add one thing. Do we know for sure what happens in the afterlife? No. We don't claim to. That's why you'll notice a question mark in the title. But what we have done is to ask the question and try to pull together in one place everything that has been said to come back to us about the possible afterlife experiences of suicides so that you, the reader, can make up your own mind about what may happen.

- Available from North Atlantic Books or any book seller
The PK Zone The PK Zone
The PK Zone is the end result of a personal quest to understand why I was having experiences that science, and my medical training. told me were impossible. My journey was a long one. It led to my moving to California to get a doctorate degree in psychology specializing in parapsychology. This book grew out of the literature review I did for my disseration, which made me feel for the first time that I truly understood these phenomena. My hope is to take the reader on that same journey of self-enlightenment. First, it looks at stories of PK from cultures around the world. Next, it reviews the experimental literature and what science has taught us about the phenomena. With this rich backdrop, the reader is then ready to appreciate the final section of the book - the complex, interactive nature of the experience.

I pulled this book from print in 2009 because my newer book, Mind-Matter Interaction, contains more research and what I've learned about these phenomena since publishing The PK Zone. Alas, I still see far too many copies listed for sale. Given that my thoughts have changed on some topics, I really recommend you to get the newer edition instead.

- Out of print
In Search of Psi In Search of Psi: Contemporary Perspectives on Extra-Sensory Perception, Psychokinesis, and Survival
This is an anthology compiled by Adam Rock and Lance Storm from the very best articles published in the Australian Journal of Parapsychology. I was honored to be included as the third chapter, a reprint of my article "The Possible Role of Psychokinesis in Place Memory." You can also read the original article here.

- Available from McFarland or any book seller
Survival of Human Consciousness The Survival of Human Consciousness: Essays on the Possibilities of Life After Death
This is an anthology edited by Michael Thalbourne and Lance Storm. Jon and I teamed up to present a summary of afterlife experiences from suicide victims. The book itself has fifteen chapters and is divided into five sections: historical issues, theoretical and experimental issues, evidential issues, sociological and phenomenological issues, and conclusions. Our chapter is "What the Channeled Messages of Suicides Tell Us About the Afterlife." However, it looks at the material from a slightly different perspective than in our bookSuicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife?, focusing more on what are the phases that spirits experience after the death of their bodies. Published several years before Handbook to the Afterlife, it represents part of our evolution in how we thought about the afterlife.

- Available from McFarland or any book seller
Parapsychology in the 21st Century Parapsychology in the 21st Century
This anthology is edited by Michael Thalbourne and Lance Storm. It again contains fifteen essays, this time on the possible future directions of parapsychology research and is divided into four sections: 1) general issues; 2) experimental issues, theoretical issues; and 4) sociological and phenomenological issues. I wrote the last chapter, called "Experiential Research: Unveiling Psi Through Phenomenological Enquiry." In it, I review what phenomenological studies have been done in the past on ESP, mind-matter interactions, and surivival (including channeling and near-death experiences). I then also talk about the directions that experiential research may take in the future, including topics that have been virtually untouched, and why it might be helpful to explore them. As you can probably guess, this book is oriented more towards researchers, than for the casual browser.

- Available from McFarland or any book seller